Start a Commute Program

Is your company ready to start or reinvent its commute program? We are here to help with a four-pronged approach to gathering employee input, identifying priorities, building a program that fits your company, and promoting engagement inside and outside your company.

Conduct a Survey

An employee survey can reveal the best commute alternatives to illuminate employees’ commute challenges. Start by asking employees about their commutes to gauge their satisfaction with their current options and inform ways to refine or augment your commute program.

  1. Use a mix of methodologies, including online and paper-based surveys. While online surveys save money and are easier and faster to collect, paper surveys are essential to reach groups who don’t have immediate access to the internet, such as warehouse workers or delivery personnel.
  2. Assure employees’ responses are 100% confidential.
  3. Spread the word! Use posters, table tents, newsletters, intranet postings, and even your email signature to generate excitement and participation.
  4. Monitor participation in real time and share the company’s progress, especially if teams or departments track results.
  5. Reward individual employees or teams for completing the survey.
  6. Survey employees at the same time each year to measure improvement from the previous year and uncover new opportunities for growth.